A few days ago I posted an update post here on the blog explaining my sporadic blogging habits as of late. Since I started this blog, I’ve had great intentions of blogging often about life, photography, and everything in between. However, life seemed to have its own plans for me these last few months. 13 weeks to be exact.
You see, 13 weeks ago I started feeling bad. Really bad. I was having stomach pains like I’ve never had before and thought they would eventually just go away. Well after 5 days of not going away, I went to the doctor to find out what was going on. What ensued over the passing weeks was something I hope to never have to experience again. I went to two gastroenterologists (one not so great one followed by an outstanding one), had round after round of blood work done, and had 4 different procedures all to figure out what was causing my stomach pain and accompanying symptoms. I even ended up in the hospital for a 28 hour period in the middle of all of it. I felt bad. Really bad. And the worst part? No one could figure out what was causing all of my symptoms.
This has most assuredly been the most trying 13 weeks I can remember. There was pain. Then there was medicine. More pain. Different medicine. I was both physically and mentally worn out and I think those closest to me were to. With doctor after doctor, pill after pill, procedure after procedure, I still wasn’t getting any better. And I felt bad. Really bad. I had had enough of tests, needles, pokes and pricks when my doctor suggested I try one last procedure to see if he could find anything. Though I fought the idea of yet another test, my husband pointed out that maybe this would be the one. This would be the test that gave me a result. And he was right.
After 3 months of doctor’s offices, blood work, and not knowing, I had an answer. A way to stop feeling so bad. And now, 4 weeks later, I don’t feel so bad. In fact, I actually feel better. Better and relieved to know my insides and I are almost healed.
I would be remiss not to also use this post to say thank you. Thank you to my family for getting me through and keeping me laughing no matter how bad I felt. Thank you to my mama and dad too for taking care of me post hospital visit. Thank you to my friends for the many prayers that I know were coming from every direction. Last but certainly not least, thank you to the strongest husband there ever was. At each doctor visit, each procedure, and each new report with no answer, you were by my side, holding my hand, telling me we’d get through this. The many nights I sat looking at you with tears streaming down my face because we still had no answers, you remained strong and assured me I’d get better soon. I couldn’t be happier to say those three words that most wives dread having to say: You were right. 😉 Thank you for being my strength when I had none. I love you.
I always say no post is quite complete without a picture. This time, the picture is more for me. This blog mainly serves as my place to show the newest happenings of LPP, however it’s also a personal journal for me to share all that life has blessed me with. So this time, this picture is to act as a reminder to me. When I look back on this post months, even years from now, this picture and this story will be all that represents how I felt over these last few months. Over the course of these last 12 weeks, I have taken all of these. Not all at the same time, in fact very few at the same time, but all of them nonetheless.
Despite it all, I am happy to report I am feeling better. I realize it could have been much worse and am happy it was nothing that required surgery or worse. It was nothing life threatening, just uncomfortable and for that I am greatful. Most importantly, this whole experience has shown me that my cup truly runeth over.
Glad you are feeling better!!
The End!
What a touching blog, daughter. Dad and I are so glad you are feeling so much better.
So good to hear that your insides are healed! AMEN!! 🙂