Oh how I could squeeze this tiny baby girl!! A few months ago I posted Katie and Matt and their growing belly. Finally their mini is here and IT”S A GIRL!! They waited to find out the gender of their little bundle until she was born, and my goodness is she cute as can be! They named her Emme Kate, and not too long after she was born, I went over to meet this precious girl and take her very first photos! Here she is in all her sweet newborn baby glory, Miss Emme Kate!
Baby is a basket? Yes please 🙂
Still only days old and already so expressive! Love it 🙂
I love everything about this image.
Katie looks like such a proud, happy mama!
CANNOT get enough of these ruffled bloomers!!
Seriously?! So stinkin’ precious…my fave 🙂
Not to be left out, I snapped a quick photo of Katie and Matt’s “first born” Gracie girl.
So sweet & beautiful!!!