Although professionally 2011 was truly outstanding, my personal journey definitely had its ups and downs. From the beginning I’ve said I wanted this blog to be about more than just my work, but a little of everything. I’m so glad I had this notion from the start, as now I get to go back a reread blog posts from months or even years ago and remember, reflect, and be grateful. I’m writing this blog post as a simple reminder to myself, and to those that may be reading, that though life may not turn out exactly as you planned, it’s all about how you handle what you were given. We all have our troubled times, it’s a part of life. I feel like it’s what we do with and in those troubled times that truly define who we are as people. We can either let the bad times define us, overwhelm us, and in the end get the best of us. Or, we can make an active choice not to let life just happen to us, but to learn from it, grow from it, and be better because of it.
My life this past year has been messy. At times, it was very messy. But it seems we learn the most about ourselves and just how resilient we can be when times get a little messy. I certainly know I did! I want to take a minute to say a big, huge, overwhelming thank you to my family, most of whom read this blog regularly. Without my dad, mom, sister, and brother-in-law, I would be a big heaping mess of crazy. Each of them and all of them help me in more ways than they will ever know, and I am eternally grateful for their unconditional love, support, and laughter.
This is my personal favorite photograph of the year. My sister took it for me a few months ago, and every time I look at it I get a little choked up. I couldn’t ever really put my finger on why until one of my facebook friends (Hi Tracy!!) pointed out to me what an amazing story this one photograph tells. And it most certainly does. This picture pretty much sums up the entirety of my personal journey over the last year plus, and I am so grateful to have this.
I’m happy 2011 has come to an end, and I am so looking forward to what 2012 has to bring! My calendar is already filling up with amazing clients, so everything else is just icing on the cake!
Wishing you and yours a 2012 full of love and laughter 🙂
A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her. ~ Sidney Greenberg ~
Keep moving forward Sweetie… never give up and never take a step back… so proud of you… 🙂
Y’know Lindsey, if you look at all the successful people in life, it’s not what they have, but how they have handled what life has given them. Life happens….it’s the choices you make that makes you better. Kudos to you for “falling forward”.
Wow Lindsay! You are truly an eloquent writer…so lovely and honest. Thank you for opening your heart on this blog. I absolutely LOVE your photo!(:
You are right about your mom, she’s pretty awesome. I ask her for advice all the time! I hope someday that I will have that special kind of relationship with Drew that you and Kathy share. It is so very special.